OK-TSS Boeing 737-81M
About OK-TSS - Boeing 737-81M
Boeing 737-81M
16 years
Last Seen
11/2/2024 (HV83)
We only show Flying Blue related flights for this aircraft.
Flight | Date | From | To | Status |
HV83 | 11 Feb.13:45 | AMSAmsterdam | KSDKarlstad | Landed |
HV5684 | 10 Feb.11:30 | ACELanzarote | AMSAmsterdam | Landed |
HV5683 | 10 Feb.06:15 | AMSAmsterdam | ACELanzarote | Landed |
HV5642 | 9 Feb.11:35 | SPCSanta Cruz de La Palma | AMSAmsterdam | Landed |
HV5641 | 9 Feb.06:00 | AMSAmsterdam | SPCSanta Cruz de La Palma | Landed |
HV6868 | 8 Feb.11:05 | ATHAthens | AMSAmsterdam | Landed |
HV6867 | 8 Feb.07:00 | AMSAmsterdam | ATHAthens | Landed |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 |
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the registration number of this aircraft?
The registration number of this Boeing aircraft is OK-TSS.
Which airline owns this aircraft?
This aircraft is owned by Smartwings.
What is the type and model of this aircraft?
The OK-TSS of Smartwings is a Boeing 737-81M.
What are the recent destinations and history of this aircraft?
The recent destinations of this OK-TSS Boeing are:
- HV83 from Amsterdam (AMS) to Karlstad (KSD)
- HV5684 from Lanzarote (ACE) to Amsterdam (AMS)
- HV5683 from Amsterdam (AMS) to Lanzarote (ACE)
- HV5642 from Santa Cruz de La Palma (SPC) to Amsterdam (AMS)
- HV5641 from Amsterdam (AMS) to Santa Cruz de La Palma (SPC)
- HV6868 from Athens (ATH) to Amsterdam (AMS)
- HV6867 from Amsterdam (AMS) to Athens (ATH)
- HV84 from Karlstad (KSD) to Amsterdam (AMS)
How old is this aircraft?
This Boeing aircraft of Smartwings is 16 years old.
The safety of aircraft is always a priority for Smartwings, regardless of the age of the aircraft. This Boeing of 16 years is safe and is not yet due for retirement. Moreover, the interior is often upgraded with new seats more than a new aircraft is ordered, for extra comfort.