SE-RSS Embraer E195LR
About SE-RSS - Embraer E195LR
Embraer E195LR
13 years
Last Seen
Today (SK627)
Upcoming Flights
Flight | Date | From | To | Duration | Status | |
SK1876 | Today 21:00 | CPH Copenhagen | SVG Stavanger | 1h 15m 556 km | Scheduled |
Past Flights
Flight | Date | From | To | Duration | Status | |
SK627 | Today 16:50 | CPH Copenhagen | DUS Düsseldorf | 1h 3m 619 km | Landed | |
SK751 | Today 08:05 | CPH Copenhagen | WAW Warsaw | 1h 5m 666 km | Landed | |
SK2749 | Today 06:00 | PLQ Palanga | CPH Copenhagen | 0h 55m 529 km | Landed | |
SK2744 | Yesterday 22:55 | CPH Copenhagen | PLQ Palanga | 1h 1m 529 km | Landed | |
SK2686 | Yesterday 20:00 | BLQ Bologna | CPH Copenhagen | 1h 45m 1,238 km | Landed | |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | View |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | View |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | View |
ABC-DEFG | Boeing 787-123 | 10 | 10 | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | View |

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Flight data is displayed in local time; status updates may not be real-time.
Popular Destinations
SE-RSS destinations in the past 30 days:
🇩🇰 Copenhagen
🇳🇴 Oslo
🇳🇴 Bergen
🇳🇴 Stavanger
🇳🇴 Trondheim
🇩🇰 Billund
SE-RSS Statistics
SE-RSS statistics in the past 30 days:
173 (5,8 per day)
Operational hours
178 (1 per flight)
100.000km (620 per flight)
Delayed Departures
78 (55% on time)
Delayed Arrivals
25 (86% on time)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the registration number of this aircraft?
The registration number of this Embraer aircraft is SE-RSS.
Which airline owns this aircraft?
This aircraft is owned by Scandinavian Airlines (SAS).
What is the type and model of this aircraft?
The SE-RSS of Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) is a Embraer E195LR.
What are the recent destinations and history of this aircraft?
The recent destinations of this SE-RSS Embraer are:
- SK1876 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Stavanger (SVG)
- SK627 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Düsseldorf (DUS)
- SK751 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Warsaw (WAW)
- SK2749 from Palanga (PLQ) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK2744 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Palanga (PLQ)
- SK2686 from Bologna (BLQ) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK2685 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Bologna (BLQ)
- SK2747 from Palanga (PLQ) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK2746 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Palanga (PLQ)
- SK602 from Zürich (ZRH) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK601 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Zürich (ZRH)
- SK2749 from Palanga (PLQ) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK2744 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Palanga (PLQ)
- SK2686 from Bologna (BLQ) to Copenhagen (CPH)
- SK2685 from Copenhagen (CPH) to Bologna (BLQ)
How old is this aircraft?
This Embraer aircraft of Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) is 13 years old.
The safety of aircraft is always a priority for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), regardless of the age of the aircraft. This Embraer of 13 years is safe and is not yet due for retirement. Moreover, the interior is often upgraded with new seats more than a new aircraft is ordered, for extra comfort.
What destinations does SAS serve with the Embraer SE-RSS?
In the past 30 days, the SE-RSS from SAS has made 173 flights to various destinations. The 6 most popular SE-RSS destinations were:
- 60 times to Copenhagen (Airport Copenhagen).
- 24 times to Oslo (Oslo Airport, Gardermoen).
- 12 times to Bergen (Bergen Airport, Flesland).
- 10 times to Stavanger (Stavanger Airport, Sola).
- 8 times to Trondheim (Trondheim Airport, Værnes).
- 8 times to Billund (Billund).
In our calculations, we only include commercial flights related to Flying Blue where SE-RSS has reached its destination.