These are the shortest KLM flights and the quickest routes within Europe and beyond
Curious about the shortest KLM flights from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport? Here you’ll find an overview of the quickest routes within Europe and beyond, perfect for those who want to travel quickly and efficiently.
The flights are divided into European flights, often operated by KLM Cityhopper, and flights to destinations outside of Europe.
Shortest KLM Flights Within Europe
Are you looking for quick and convenient travel options from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport? Here are some of the shortest KLM flights according to the schedule, perfect for a fast trip to nearby destinations.
Shortest Flights from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Interested in quick and convenient travel options from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport? Here are some of the shortest KLM flights according to the schedule.
- Amsterdam to Brussels in 45 minutes.
- Amsterdam to Dusseldorf in 45 minutes.
- Amsterdam to Norwich in 50 minutes.
- Amsterdam to Bremen in 55 minutes.
- Amsterdam to Luxembourg in 55 minutes.
KLM has decided to reduce the number of short-haul flights from Amsterdam to Brussels in the future. This is to promote a more environmentally friendly alternative with train connections for travelers.
Shortest KLM Flights Outside of Europe
The shortest flight recently operated by KLM is from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam with flight number KL1515. The flight takes 35 minutes and transfers passengers from the island to the mainland. This daily route starts in Zanzibar and ultimately ends in Amsterdam. KLM uses the same flight number for Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam and the Dar es Salaam to Amsterdam leg.
Another short flight is KL768, which takes you from Aruba to Bonaire in 44 minutes. The same flight number KL768 is used for both the Aruba to Bonaire segment and the subsequent leg to Amsterdam.
Shortest Long-Haul Flights from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Curious about the shortest long-haul flights to destinations outside of Europe departing from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport? Check out the list below.
- Amsterdam to Riyadh in 6 hours and 10 min. (370 min.)
- Amsterdam to Accra in 6 hours and 30 min. (390 min.)
- Amsterdam to Lagos in 6 hours and 30 min. (390 min.)
- Amsterdam to Dubai in 6 hours and 40 min. (400 min.)
- Amsterdam to Montreal in 7 hours and 25 min. (445 min.)
- Amsterdam to Boston in 7 hours and 30 min. (450 min.)
- Amsterdam to New York in 8 hours (480 min.)
The listed routes and times are based on KLM's schedule. Please note that actual flight times may occasionally vary.
Updated on 12 Jul 2024 - Lees in Nederlands